[SIEm] EUCAP 2020 – Restrizioni per i partecipanti italiani

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From: Presidente SIEm – presidente@elettromagnetismo.it

Cari colleghi,

vi trasmetto una mail di Olav Breinbjerg, chair di EUCAP 2020, riguardo la partecipazione a EUCAP da parte di delegati provenienti dall’Italia.

—————– inizio mail —————–

Yesterday evening the Danish Health Authority issued a new statement in which they recommend that people arriving to Denmark from designated high-risk areas stay in quarantine for 2 weeks; the four Italian regions are in the list of high-risk areas.

For presenters who do not attend, it is first recommended to find a substitute presenter; this will secure that the paper is formally presented and can thus got to IEEE Xplore (if already approved for this). If this is not possible, a pre-recorded powerpoint presentation with voice-over should be the next solution.

People who will not attend should contact the Registration Team (ms@cap-partner.eu) concerning the registration and the TP Chairs (tpc@eucap2020.org) to make arrangement for the papers.

We plan to communicate by email a new statement to all who have registered tomorrow Thursday – to follow-up from the statement of last week.

——————- fine mail ——————————

Verificate anche se il vostro ateneo ha posto restrizioni sulle missioni (e non dimenticate che conta anche la regione di partenza, quindi passeggeri di voli Ryanair con scalo a Orio potrebbero essere inclusi tra quelli che hanno obbligo di quarantena)
