SIEm Member

Giuseppe Virone

Unità di Ricerca CNR IEIIT di Torino
Personal Page

Biography Info

Giuseppe Virone was born in Turin, Italy, in 1977. He received the degree in Electronic Engineering (summa cum laude, November 2001) and the PHD in Electronic and Communication Engineering (2006) at the Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy.
He is currently a researcher at the Istituto di Elettronica e di Ingegneria Informatica e delle Telecomunicazioni (IEIIT), Italian National Research Council (CNR). He joined IEIIT as a research assistant in 2002.
His activities concern the design and characterization of microwave and millimeter waveguide passive components for feed systems, antennas, frequency selective surfaces, compensated dielectric radomes and industrial applications.